
Christoph Keplinger serves as a reliable partner, offering comprehensive IT security solutions and technical services to businesses and private individuals.

With a comprehensive Master’s degree in Secure Information Systems and extensive experience in IT project management with major corporations, Christoph Keplinger proves to be the ideal collaborator for tackling diverse IT challenges. His passion for technology and profound understanding of cybersecurity position him as a trustworthy expert for optimizing IT infrastructure.

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Website for IT specialist Christoph Keplinger

concept & realisation
Michael J. Keplinger
Christoph Keplinger / Keplinger IT

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Michael J. Keplinger is an outstanding web designer! His creativity and professionalism far exceeded my expectations. The collaboration was smooth and he turned my vision into a stunning website. Highly recommend him! Thank you so much, Michael! → view on Google

Christoph Keplinger (translated)