Medium of Film: Crossing Europe Filmfestival
Over the years, the Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz has worked its way up to become one of the most prominent fixtures in Linz’s cultural scene. Every year it shows about 150 films from 40 countries and welcomes about 20,000 guests. Now Sabine Gebetsroither (Co-Festival Director) and Melanie de Jong (Web Editor, Digital Systems and Social Media) provide an insight into the organisational work, the process of film selection and the value of the cinema screen in today’s world.
Created by Michael J. Keplinger (director, editor & camera), Teofil Grossschopf (camera), Milan Grandits (gaffer), Sebastian Stubenvoll (sound recordist) and Birgit Pultar (production assistance), the journalistic television report was created for c-tv, educational television of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, and broadcast for the first time on 20 April 2022 in programme 168.

Television feature (5 min)