007: Mission abgeHAKt
A comprehensive media package was created for the Matura Ball of BHAK Auhof 2024. Included were, among other things, a photo shoot based on the James Bond theme defined by the ball committee, the documentation of the opening speeches, entrance and performances, as well as the provision of a photo box. Art direction by Simona Ascher for balldesign.at, studio photography by Moritz Reisinger and event photography by Simona Ascher and Miriam Beer.

© balldesign.at
Media creation for the Matura Ball of the BHAK Auhof Linz class of 2024
BHAK Aufhof Prom CommitteeArt direction
Simona Ascher / balldesign.atStudio photography
Moritz ReisingerEvent photography
Miriam Beer & Simona AscherVideography & sound recording
Michael J. Keplinger★★★★★ (5/5)
(…) The collaboration was excellent and uncomplicated, which was mainly due to the good communication. I look forward to further opportunities to work together in the future! → view on Google
— Miriam Beer (translated)