
The Harmonizer is a semi-real-time Max for live-based musical plugin for the DAW Ableton Live. Its basic function is to add musically appropriate harmonies to monophonic input – primarily live singing. The plugin provides two presets: automatic and manual. The former always adds successive triads according to the selected key above the sung note, the latter adds the notes closest to the sung note above or below a chord selected by the user. The typical use case for automatic is to turn on only the first harmony that accompanies the first voice, i.e. the input, as a second voice would often do. On the other hand, the typical use case for manual is that the user independently selects the current chord in the piece of music and the additional voices sing its notes in the octave of the input song.

Note: A new update (»harmonizer6«) is now available! Audio output problems have been fixed and the option to select the root note through a separate MIDI track has been added as well as a general user manual. Thanks to anyone who reached out to make this update possible!

More information and download: harmonizer.mjk-media.com

Video demonstration download plugin donate via PayPal

Max for live based Ableton Live plugin

Michael J. Keplinger
Additional work
Elisa Breitenbrunner, Georg Schiffer & András Woltron

(…) this legend called Michael J. Keplinger has made a brilliant harmonizer MAX patch. (…) I also recommend that you donate to him via PayPal, ’cause he saved us all a lot of time and money by making this amazing creation → view source

Diveakssh Schae (user, transcribed)

This device is spectacular!! really really amazing work! → view source

@AYAmusic (user)

Fantastic plugin!!! I just donated to your PP. So worth it!! → view source

@jmagness5946 (user)

© 2025 Michael J. Keplinger