Michael J. Keplinger: Résumé

I do a bit of whole lot of everything. I am an Austrian filmmaker, musician & designer with a keen interest in the interweaving of different creative threads. Holding degrees in Media Technology as well as Graphic & Communication Design, I am a university lecturer and the person behind MJK media. I believe in the pluralism of culture, art and media and that the creative process becomes particularly intriguing when different and complex currents of thought converge.

See: skills | work | education | awards | press | festivals | contact



directing, editing, compositing, sound recording & design, set & production experience, budgeting


music composition, production, mixing, music theory, various instruments, film scoring


programming, web development, interactive design, node based media development, SEO


typography, print design, web design, image editing & compositing, illustration, motion design


Since 2025
proLIBRIS VerlagsgesmbH
Project management of ART:9 subsidiary
Youth Entrepreneurship Week
Since 2024
DIEgital Records
Signed recording artist
Since 2023
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Department Media and Digital Technologies

  • Adjunct Lecturer (since 2024)
  • Bachelor Thesis Supervisor (since 2024)
  • Workshop instructor: Young Campus (2024)
  • GDPR training for research and educational institutions (2024)
  • Teaching and research assistant: media technology (2023–24)
  • Teaching and research assistant: c-tv (2023–24)

MJK Media e.U.
Sole proprietor; Media design & development
Crossing Europe Filmfestival
Internship: web & office management
Les Films de la Toiles, film festival at the Université Paris 8
Member of the jury
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Department Media and Digital Technologies
Tutor: Basics of Mathematics and Physics
2015, 2016
proLIBRIS VerlagsgesmbH
Internships: graphic & web design


St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Department Media and Digital Technologies, Bachelor Media Technology

  • Pass with highest distinction & Valedictorian
  • Bachelor thesis: Stereoraum: Virtuelle Räumlichkeit der Stereomusikproduktion
  • Golden Wire (media prize of the St. Pölten UAS)
    🏆 1st place (sound & music category, 2023)
    🥈 Nomination (film & tv production category, 2023)
    🥈 Nomination (short film category, 2021)
  • Adobe Premiere Pro certificates (basic and advanced, 2021)
  • Tutor: Basics of Mathematics and Physics (2020–21)

Master Class of Communication Design Linz

  • Graduation with highest distinction (Level 6 Graduate Diploma)
  • Thesis: Gestaltung & technische Umsetzung einer Website (…)

Higher Technical Vocational College Linz, Department Graphic and Communication Design

  • Matura with highest distinction
  • Diploma thesis: Musikalbum: grafische Gestaltung & mediale Präsentation (with Hannah Delfauro),
    🏆 selected for best-of.at


Buntingford Shorts Youth Film Festival
Finalist (for Iris)
Austrian Filmfestival
🏆 Best Horror 2024
🥈 Nomination: Best Film
(for Iris)
Zawinul Foundation For Achievement
🏆 Creative Video Award (for Iris)
🥈 Nomination: Creative Video Award (for For A While, dir. Kilian Mayer)
Festival der Österreichischen Film-Autoren (The Austrian Filmer Association’s National Championship)
🏆 Silver medal (for Iris)
🥈 Nomination: remarkable cinematic realisation
🥈 Nomination: remarkable performance
🥈 Nomination: remarkable direction
Festival der Film-Autoren (The Austrian Filmer Association’s Regional Championship Salzburg & Upper Austria)
🏆 Regional champion Upper Austria
🏆 Gold medal
🏆 Special award: remarkable direction
🏆 Special award: remarkable picture design (with Niklas Strahammer)
🏆 Special award: remarkable sound design
(for Iris)
Flatness Film Awards
2nd Season Finalist (for Passing Through)
2nd Season Finalist (for Iris)
Golden Wire (media prize of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences)
🏆 1st Place: Sound & Music category (for Passing Through)
🥈 Nomination/2nd place: Film & TV production category (for For A While, dir. Kilian Mayer)
Festival der österreichischen Filmautoren (The Austrian Filmer Association’s National Championship)
🏆 Silver medal
🥈 Nomination: remarkable sound design
🥈 Nomination: remarkable picture design
🥈 Nomination: remarkable filmic narrative
(for Allerseelen)
Festival der Film-Autoren von Oberösterreich und Salzburg (The Austrian Filmer Association’s Regional Championship)
🏆 Gold medal
🏆 Special award: remarkable idea (with Simona Ascher)
🏆 Special award: remarkable camera (Niklas Strahammer)
(for Allerseelen)
Austrian Filmfestival
🏆 Best Horror/Thriller Film (for Allerseelen)
Riservati Pictures Film Festival
Best Short Gasp selection (for Allerseelen)
excerpts of the Jury’s statement: a “touch of noir”, “a true acting gem” & “excellent direction and music”
Flatness Film Awards
🏆 Best Super Short Experimental (for Allerseelen)
Festival der Österreichischen Film-Autoren (The Austrian Filmer Association’s National Championship)
🏆 Bronze medal (for Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me))
The Austrian Filmer Association’s Regional Championship (Upper Austria/Salzburg)
🏆 Gold medal
🏆 Special award: remarkable idea
(for Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me))
Golden Wire (media prize of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences)
🥈 Nomination: short film category (for Allerseelen)
Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival
🏆 The “Levi” Award for the Best Music Video (for Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me))
🏆 Selection (with Hannah Delfauro) (for Musikalbum. Grafische Gestaltung & mediale Präsentation)


Life Radio
Linzer in den legendären “Beatles Abbey Road Studios”!
29 May 2024
Gemeindenachrichten Engerwitzdorf
TBF Mitglied wurde OÖ Landesmeister 2024
21 May 2024
Buntes Fernsehen stellt den Landesmeister
22 April 2024
Tips Urfahr-Umgebung
Buntes Fernsehen Engerwitzdorf stellt den Landes-Meister
16 April 2024
Austria Presse Agentur
Medienpreis für FH-Studierende
30 November 2023
Der Medienpreis geht an FH-Studierende
30 November 2023
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Medienpreis für FH-Studierende
30 November 2023
Mein Bezirk
Hobbyfilmer aus Engerwitzdorf bei Landesmeisterschaft erfolgreich
30 May 2023
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Internationaler Erfolg für Student Michael J. Keplinger
16 May 2022
Team Buntes Fernsehen
Stammtisch-Ankündigung Michael J. Keplinger
29 April 2022
Goldmedaillengewinner beim Hobbyfilmer-Stammtisch
28 April 2022
Team Buntes Fernsehen
Im Gespräch mit Michael J. Keplinger
25 January 2022
Bezirksrundschau Oberösterreich (Urfahr Umgebung)
Talentierter FH-Student zeigt auf
9/10 December 2021
Engerwitzdorfer gewann Musikvideopreis in Venedig
6 December 2021
Tips Schärding
Engerwitzdorfer dreht Musikvideos und Filme
27 November 2021
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Erfolg in Venedig – Preis für FH-Studenten. Erfolgreiches Ende bei italienischem Filmfestival.
3 November 2021
Gemeindenachrichten Engerwitzdorf
Engerwitzdorfer gewann in Venedig
27 October 2021
Der Standard
St. Pöltner Student siegt in Venedig
11 October 2021
Oberösterreichische Nachrichten
St. Pöltner Student gewann in Venedig
11 October 2021
Niederösterreichische Nachrichten
Student siegt bei Kurzfilmfestival Ca’ Foscari
10 October 2021
Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival
The Winners of the Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival 2021
10 October 2021
HTL1 Linz
„FALSE NEON GOD“ – Diplomarbeitsprojekt schafft es ins Filmfestival Crossing Europe
September 2020
Blood Moon Festival
27 July 2018
Edenbridge & Purple Bonsai & Red Machete & Seventeen
24 February 2017
Seventeen & Who Reign Suns & As God Created & Liadlschniaza & Psychose & Snowblind Dinosaurs
24 September 2016


Buntingford Shorts Youth Film Festival
short film Iris
Buntingford, UK
TimeLine Film Festival
short film Iris
Milan, Italy
Kalakari Film Fest
short film Iris
music video Passing Through
short film For A While (dir. Kilian Mayer)
Dewas, India
Festival Cortos para Tiempos Largos
short film Iris
Pereira, Colombia
Fright Nights
short film Iris
Pasching, Austria
Austrian Filmfestival
short film Iris
music video Passing Through
Vienna, Austria
Light of the World
music video Passing Through
Rybinsk, Russia
Festival der Österreichischen Film-Autoren (The Austrian Filmer Association’s National Championship)
short film Iris
Fieberbrunn, Austria
Crossing Europe Filmfestival
short film Iris (Local Artists)
Linz, Austria
Festival der Film-Autoren (The Austrian Filmer Association’s Regional Championship Salzburg & Upper Austria)
short film Iris
Wals-Siezenheim, Austria
Flatness Film Awards
music video Passing Through
short film Iris
Golden Wire (media prize of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences)
music (video) Passing Through
short film For A While (dir. Kilian Mayer)
St. Pölten, Austria
Festival der österreichischen Filmautoren (The Austrian Filmer Association’s State Championship)
short film Allerseelen
Eisenstadt, Austria
Festival der Film-Autoren von Oberösterreich und Salzburg (The Austrian Filmer Association’s Regional Championship)
short film Allerseelen
Katsdorf, Austria
Wisdom Tree International Film Festival
short film Allerseelen
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
short film TALKING or (a postmodern approach to discussion)
Pune, India
Anilogue International Animation Festival
short film TALKING or (a postmodern approach to discussion)
Budapest, Hungary
Austrian Filmfestival
short film Allerseelen
Vienna, Austria
Kursaal Film Festival San Sebastián
short film Allerseelen
San Sebastián, Spain
Moscow Shorts ISFF
short film Allerseelen
Moscow, Russia
First-Time Filmmaker Sessions
short film Allerseelen
short films Begehren (dir. Niklas Strahammer)
Slough, UK
Golden FEMI Film Festival
short film Begehren (dir. Niklas Strahammer)
Sofia, Bulgaria
Riservati Pictures Film Festival
short film Allerseelen (Best Short Gasp)
London, UK
Festival der österreichischen Filmautoren (The Austrian Filmer Association’s State Championship)
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
Fieberbrunn, Austria
Crossing Europe Filmfestival
short film Allerseelen (Local Artists)
Linz, Austria
The Austrian Filmer Association’s Regional Championship (Upper Austria/Salzburg)
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
Wals/Siezenheim, Austria
Flatness Film Awards
short film Allerseelen
Golden Wire (media prize of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences)
short film Allerseelen
St. Pölten, Austria
Austrian Filmfestival
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
short film TALKING or (a postmodern approach to discussion)
Vienna, Austria
Gold Coast International Film Festival
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
North Hempstead, New York, USA
Festival Internacional Audiovisual
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
Chía, Colombia
Culture Cinema
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
short film TALKING or (a postmodern approach to discussion)
Mumbai, India
Insomnia International Animation Film Festival
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
Moscow, Russia
IE Short Film Festival
short film TALKING or (a postmodern approach to discussion) (Honorable Mention)
Madrid, Spain
GCIFF Youth Film Day
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me) (Semi-Finalist)
Great Neck, New York, USA
Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
Venice, Italy
New Generation Film Festival
music video False Neon God
music video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
Honorable Mention, respectively
Belgrade, Serbia
3rd Meihodo International Youth visual Media Festival
musik video Pick Up Your Cross (and follow me)
documentary Ensemble (Musik in Stadt und Land)
Fukuoka, Japan
Crossing Europe Filmfestival
music video False Neon God (Local Artists)
Linz, Austria
Nextcomic Festival
Comic Politicus Ex Machina
Exhibition Comic Collage Cut
Linz, Austria


If you’d like to talk about a project, an idea, ask a question,
or just want to say hallo – let’s talk:

contact me