What I do: WEB & DESIGN

I do a whole lot of everything. .


When it comes to websites, lots of sources promise quick and easy solutions. But the trick to save both time and money is not to get it done the fastest and cheapest way possible. The trick is to get it done in a way, that you won’t have to redo it ever again.


A common (mis)conception is form follows function. The truth is, there is no form as such, and neither is there just function. It’s all design. It’s well designed if it manages to optimize both without compromise. You need both, and you need both done well.


Design is not simply pretty and there are no get-results-quick schemes. But that’s not what you want anyway. You want longevous solutions, crafted with an eye on the bigger picture. You want trust. And I believe you are here, looking for someone who understands just that.

Graphic & Web Designer

Michael J. Keplinger

I am an Austrian graphic & web designer with a fully holistic approach. Holding degrees in Media Technology as well as Graphic & Communication Design, I am a UAS lecturer and sole proprietor of MJK media.

I believe design is not simply pretty, but that form & function are intrinsically linked as one. And I believe you are here because you are looking for someone who understands just that.


Photography © Ines Mayer

Let’s work together

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